Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Did you know ?

Interesting presentation on amazing facts which I’m sure we never come across in our daily lives. Few thoughts which immediately come to my mind are :

• Population is actually turning out to be greatest resource for a nation to have. Human resource will be the biggest source of competitive gain even in the days to come.

• At the same time the concept of a nation is blurring due to rapid exponential growth of technology, alternate sources of information like web based tools.

• While nations will continue to have economic and political interest, the power of connectivity has enabled the current generations to tide over the barriers of language and culture. As we grow our cultures will continue to grow locally with global flavor( some say glocalisation)

• If we do not connect the digital and real world at a rapid pace, we will be marginalizing a section of world’s population which would mean greater issues of governance and equitable distribution of wealth and resources.

• Empowerment will acquire a new meaning as the power distance paradigm will change.

• Future continues to be more uncertain despite all our efforts to predict and control changes.

• Mere information does not enables human beings to take most informed and best possible decision as uncertainty will create more information asymmetry and thereby greater chaos.

• Definition of specialization will surely change, people will get into multiple job, try multiple options before they decide to go for a vocation.

• Formal education process will slowly become redundant as future continues to grow uncertain. Growing uncertainties will force education curriculum to focus on developing functional and generic competencies.

• Small will continue to be beautiful.

Any other thoughts?

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Anonymous said...

All your bullet points support the Silicon Valley way - 'fail fast,' rev what you're doing, try again. Especially important for all the Gen Y people who are doing job searches right now.

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....